Bravo for your work ensuring your wife was happy till the last. My partner passed 24 years ago, almost to the day, leaving behind our twins. She was a corporate exec who had to travel a lot and on 1 trip to Italy she bought a pair of red shoes, some of the most beautiful I'd ever seen. I gasped & asked how much they cost. She wouldn't tell me (good naturedly, not annoyed), so we just left it. It wasn't important, but oddly enough it must have been to her, as I never found it as an item on any of her financial statements (and I went through the lot, as she had appointed a deadshit of a solicitor as an executor, so it was up to me). In the days before the funeral, our sons asked me what she would be wearing, and yes, you guessed it - an amazingly impressive red suit and *those* shoes. The red suit was a symbol of a landmark court case she won against one of Australia's largest corporations, and of course the Italian shoes matched perfectly. Even though I have a 'new' partner, I still think of her almost daily. I know exactly what it's like to care for one terminally ill and your wife was so fortunate to have you as carer, partner and support.