From where I sit, the major problem for the Dems is they have no machinery for doing this effectively. Elsewhere, writer Umair Haque said the Dems were running an old machine with old-fashioned thoughts and acts, allowing young, new leadership only when someone ancient at the top is about to die or indeed already has. This is contrasted with the challenger to the President of France, a young 28y.o. far-right man with charisma and a knapsack full of modern tricks, innovation, Tik Tok and other platforms to spruik his goods and a way of swiftly moving whenever tactics call for it, without an entire caucus of 50 people arguing over whether it's a good idea or not. It's the "new" principle of "fast fail", which I was taught by...yep, a 26y.o.! She was right and I think so is this new French incumbent.
The Dems have to up their game and modernise, which includes realising 70y.o. politicians and apparatchiks are *not* the saviours of the so-called free world and that there are plenty of brilliant, shiny young people half their age who would do a better job. Yes, you keep the oldies on as corporate knowledge, but you allow the young people to take the lead - remember we always say "They are the future"?
Well, isn't it time to put $$ & leadership where mouth is?