Here in Aus, people call the conservative Liberal/National Party coalition and the "progressive" Labor Party "Tweedledee and Tweedledum", as in many matters there is scant difference, especially when it comes to bowing to the (US) West. One need only look at the AUKUS agreement and the further integration of Japan to see why both sides of politics, as in America, are in lock-step. Independent thinking is suppressed in favour of a far more powerful ally's will and wishes, to the detriment of the satellite nation (Australia).
In the Pacific, those nations believe in "being a friend to all", and happily live alongside American and Chinese interests and projects. There is no animosity or difficulty, with each country making up its mind as to with whom they ally in what circumstance. If America and China can accept that arrangement, "half-satisfactory" as it might be to both governments' administrations, then Australia is really gutless in its choice of Parliamentarians who run the country. Of course there are differences, but that's on the social construct sides, not international policy.
The other matter irking Australians is the constant carping of oppositions, opposing for its own sake. Black must always be white and shaded nuance must always be binary. Endless bickering rather than constructive dialogue, debate and action.
Bloody sick of it... we have only a slightly better choice of pollies than you!