Hi again from kangaroo/koala land, the 51st state of the USA (Australia).
First, it always was going to be and still is a 'shit show', be it Biden v Trump or Harris v Trump. The entire Dem process has been haphazard at best, chaotic at worst.
2nd, Harris is controlled by the same corrupt money machines which finance your wars, your bizarre, hypocritical foreign policies and your innately cruel approach to your poor, your ill-educated, your coloured people and, above all else, women. Australia has its disgustingly bad points, but pales into insignificance compared to what you have in the USA.
Finally, given the above vested interests (& you can't become President without the Big $ class behind you), what changes will be wrought should Harris win? Yes, they may overturn the overturning of Roe v Wade, they may give further lip-service to lowering the carbon footprint and even some relief to the health system, but will there be any fundamental shift away from what's there now: a xenophobic, "exceptionalist", hegemonist administration hell-bent on shaping the world order to their predominantly white supremacy doctrine of "democracy"?
I have heard very little of what Harris commits to, what she stands for *and*, importantly, what changes will be brought about for a more equitable society. I watch with interest, but don't hold my breath, even if she should win by some twist of fate!