I think you're being a bit harsh in your criticisms of the above commentators. Whether you like it or not, your salary at Amazon is quite a remuneration when compared with the plebeians who toil in jobs other than tech: teachers, medical professionals, cleaners et al. You speak (as do I) from a position of privilege. We should never lose sight of that and your snappy response does not take into account your position. You earn a cut or 2 above normal people. Burnout or other factors considered, you still do well. While one critic's words may have been ill-chosen, it demonstrates my point exactly. America allegedly rewards those for effort and entrepreneurial spirit, but to those outside the US, it appears the diametric opposite - rewarding grifters, liars and shysters (some former Presidents appear to fit this mould). While I am *not* saying you are one, we become cynical of 6-figure salaries with multiple-hundreds of thousands of $US. Maybe forgive the language but look behind to the source concern. It's not envy, it's about a level playing field for everyone else, not just the high-earners.