In this, as with Vietnam, Iraq , Afghanistan and other invasions on behalf of the US & their allies, as a citizen I feel powerless in the face of government. I am incandescent with rage at the lies of the Zionists and their lying equivocators, apologists and allies.
“Blame Hamas” goes just so far, and stops at revenge and genocide, which is where the Israeli government is now. I condemn all war crimes, which does include those allegedly committed by Hamas. However, the proofs of their atrocities have still to be proven, yet there is daily proof absolute of IDF/Israeli brutality and descent into the obscene acts which stand as witness to their scorched earth plans.
It is only by civilians refusing to comply, refusing to support and refusing to be tacitly complicit with supporting governments, that change will occur. We cannot stay silent, we must push for sanctions, punishment and action from our governments to stop this carnage. It was idealism which stopped the Vietnam conflict. It was that (& pragmatism), which brought home troops from Afghanistan and it must now be by concerted effort that we force governments to stop aiding and abetting the illegal and immoral Israeli genocide against a helpless people.
Hamas is not ubiquitous, Hamas is not an army. Hamas is not all powerful, when compared against a vastly superior military force. At this level of violence, there is no stopping Israeli bloodlust unless we collectively condemn and sanction them worldwide. There is no equivalence between Hamas brutality and the torrent of death rained upon Palestinians.
While I thought the “new” progressive Australian Labor government would be a welcome political climate change, it has been a bitter disappointment. This is yet another reason why, like you, I cannot in all conscience support them any longer. This may not be the end of democracy, but it’s getting a bad kicking.