No you misunderstand my intent. As someone from around the other side of the planet, even I despise Trump and yes, of course Harris is eminently better, but she is still a politician whose campaign is indeed a wealthy one based on mega-donors (who prob. are 2-faced & donate to both Red & Blue). That said, she still has to articulate to the broader community, not just during a debate, the specifics of social policy rather than the broad brush-strokes we are used to seeing during a campaign. While I do not expect a manifesto, some flesh on the bones of 10-second grabs would be informative (if you're interested, former conservative leader & wannabe Prime Minister John Hewson, an economist, wrote a mighty tome before the election outlining chapter & verse his views. Sadly and unfairly it was called "the longest suicide note in history". The public didn't read it because it was a scholarly piece, the progressive Labor Party ridiculed it as too esoteric & so it sank without trace. Unfortunately, a lot of what Hewson predicted has come to pass!).