Sadly Australia has taken a page from this dismaying book of misogyny and hatred. Our first female Labor Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, was pilloried and had to endure sexist, obscene and derogatory jibes throughout her tenure. Placards called for her death, shock jocks called for her to be put in a weighted bag & thrown into the sea, others suggested even worse, but all using her gender as a weapon against her. All these detractors were of course conservatives, Tories of the worst kind. Sadly things haven't changed much in the 14 years since she was elected. Women are lacking in the upper echelons of the conservatives, and the 2 (yes, two) who are the most vocal make some of the worse possible statements to arouse fear and racism amongst the populace. While the leader of the (conservative) Opposition may not physically resemble Trump, his party and indeed their actions echo the worst of right-wing politics. Thankfully for now they are unelectable in Australia, but vigilance is vital to keep those negative values from the body politic, for it will be the elite who win, while the rest of us (the other 99%) will suffer.
Should Trump win in the US, heaven help us all!