So sadly, as here in Australia, it comes down to who is the least worst? For me, come the next election here in 2025, I'll be voting Socialist, with second preference to the Australian Labor Party, not because it will make much of a difference (there are really only 2 parties which can form government, the others are too small, such as the Greens or the Socialists), but as protest. Could that mean if enough people cast a protest vote, Labor could lose or we have a hung Parliament with a minority Labor or conservative (LNP) government? Yep. Maybe. Perhaps Labor will then see just how far they've swung to the right and alienated the very people who built and maintained the party. I suspect Biden knows that about his party too, but, like Labor, he's too beholden to vested Big Business and of course the military-industrial complex which fuels the economic engine-room of America.