Unfortunately people in a "free" society forget that to be free, there are responsibilities to others. Trump considers himself above all rules save his own. There is also the (sadly dismissed) notion of the Separation of Powers, meaning Justice, political and religious entities should not encroach or influence the others. This of course is to mitigate political interference in the justice system, something Trump (inter alia) has sought to muddy. Here in Australia we suffer from the same malaise, although we don't have someone quite as litigously bad as Trump (one comes close, but always loses - never mind, he [Clive Palmer] can afford it!). We have had religious interference in politics, especially overtly in the 20th C. (v. "Power Without Glory"), but now it's restricted to religious order schools being funded by government, a move enduringly regrettable. As was tragically revealed with the Catholic child-abuse coverups here in Australia, there was a clique of abusers (priests) protected by Catholic cops who were "guided" by their Archbishop or diocese priest to turn a blind eye or at least look the other way until the miscreant could be transferred to another place.
While it is laudable America has its 1st Amendment, like your 2nd Amendment it's wide open to interpretation and abuse. The judiciary, regardless of alleged political colour (which we don't allow here due to different selection criteria) should be both above reproach and the final arbiter. Fairly obviously from Australia's perspective, your judiciary is tainted with political largesse and more than a whiff of corruption.
Regardless of who wins, it'll still be America, and you have to live with that! Litigation on an industrial scale which is the hallmark of Trump, must be curbed. It is a waste of judicial time and money, it is a cynical ploy for publicity and finally, it's a stalling tactic for hopefully the inevitable incarceration of one who has brought your society into disrepute.
Good luck!