Well actually they really, really are. Not learning from history is a bad starting place & Vietnam has taught the IDF nothing, not to mention they use airstrikes as you say, whereas Hamas and the Palestinian air-force is...non-existent. Hardly an equal battle. Razing entire cities isn't a good way of prosecuting peace either. Rather counter-productive and -intuitive, I would say. "Scorched earth" usually doesn't equal peace, the 2 nuclear bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki notwithstanding, on your account. No, the major word is "intent". The Israeli government have stated it over and over again, not just in terms of Hamas, but about the Palestinian people.
In any case, it becomes moot. One side has all the firepower, yet has failed dismally to smash what they set out to do. This is going to drag on for as long as it can keep Bibi out of jail.