Well said. As a male, I was horrified to read of this 'exploit' - who in their right mind would think it was OK or without harm. I am appalled men were depraved enough to participate and I am struck by the narrative allegedly espoused by Ms Phillips. I honestly question if she is of sound mind, as surely her judgement (if this act was really consensual) is impaired?
The countervailing argument is 'her body, her choice', but if "choice" is driven by external forces which are not in her interests, what then? *If* Ms Phillips came to the decision on her own, was it really the same justification as climbing Mt Everest: it's there to be done? Now the goal is 1000 men?
This incident has concerned and astonished me. I normally have no concern for the choices others make for themselves, but sociologically this has ramifications in terms of feminism, perceptions of masculinity and exploitation.
Humans have free will, but when as a society do we have a duty to intervene to prevent self-harm as well as harm to others?