While it is true Russia began the war by the invasion, it is salutatory to note that US officials, experts and governments had always held Ukraine becoming part of NATO was not a good idea, holding that as an independent state, Ukraine would be a buffer and thus assure Russia of no evil intent! Now it's being touted that Ukraine joining NATO is all but a fait accompli. This was always going to end badly should this happen, which is why Trump is maybe walking away from this, washing his hands as it were for what may come about if membership of NATO is further pursued by Ukraine. As Trump distances himself from the EU/Europe, he can say he had nothing to do with any further bloodshed - "not my fault".
This will end badly, I fear, despite Trump's best efforts. Should he withdraw funds, as seems likely, we may see NATO intervention, the evil outcomes of which are catastrophic, maybe even nuclear. I have limited hope sanity will prevail, but at present, there are no honest peace-brokers without skin in the game.