You have come to a conclusion which we in Australia have found and will continue to find unpalatable and thus impossible to embrace. Like America, Australia was "founded" on Britain's penal needs, requiring suppression of the rightful owners of the land by violent, genocidal means, and the containment of these people by "missions" or shanty-towns far from white settlements.
Sadly now, the boot-licking, Trump-adoring Australian Federal government has added a potent Pentecostal bent to the mix, adding many other conservative, reactionary phobias to xenophobia - homophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny and ageism. While America has Bernie (bless his socks!), we have a pale imitation, a Labor opposition which is timorous, unimaginative and wilfully 'small target', with elections due in November.
While CRT is a vital part of the progressive, anti-racist toolbox, encouraging others to open their minds when they have been force-fed a diet of Fox News, Murdoch influence and an over-arching industrial-military complex hell-bent for survival on war, will be nigh-on Herculean. I agree with and applaud your article (as a long-time anti-racism campaigner myself), but fear truthful revelation will take a far longer time for the general populace to embrace and accept as reality and to make amends.
Thank you for your article.